Important LISS Funding Update - Penn-Mar

Important LISS Funding Update

Posted on January 27, 2025

On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, Governor Wes Moore announced his proposed budget for Maryland, which included significant cuts to DDA services. While we appreciate the thoughtfulness behind the governor’s proposed budget and acknowledge the difficult decisions the administration must make, it is our duty to advocate for people with disabilities, and the proposed cuts threaten vital services, including LISS. 

Among other cost-saving measures, the governor’s proposed budget recommends eliminating LISS services entirely.  

We know that many of you rely on LISS services.  

It is important to understand that while the governor proposes his budget, it must be reviewed and approved by the Maryland General Assembly before it goes into effect.  

This means that we have an opportunity to help our Maryland State Representatives understand the importance of LISS funding and how LISS services affect our loved ones.  

Please Take 1 Important Step to Save LISS Funding: Contact your Maryland State Representatives and share why LISS services matter to your family. If you don’t know who your representatives are, please click this link and type in your address.   

We promise to keep you updated as soon as we learn more about the proposed budget. In the meantime, the best thing we can all do is to contact our Maryland State Representatives and help them understand why LISS funding is important.  

Thank you, 

The Penn-Mar LISS Team 

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