We believe everyone is employable. As an Employment 1st provider, Penn-Mar supports people to connect their interests, skills, and conditions for success to competitive integrated employment.
Our Employment Team assists each employment seeker with an evidence-based Discovery process to match them with a career of their choice, and supports them to maintain and expand on their employment opportunities. Penn-Mar currently supports over 100 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in various jobs throughout Northern Baltimore County and Carroll County Maryland, and York and Adams Counties in Pennsylvania. We are an OVR Provider for Pennsylvania employment and a Community Rehabilitation Provider with DORS in Maryland.
Competitive Integrated Employment is full or part-time work at minimum wage or higher, with wages and benefits similar to those without disabilities performing the same work, and fully integrated with co-workers without disabilities.”
Just like a road map, Customized Employment services help people move through their own unique employment journey. The Customized Employment process includes Discovery (home visits, community mapping, observations of familiar and unfamiliar tasks, work-based learning experiences designed to highlight an employment seekers interests, skills and conditions for success), creating a career plan, job development based upon a good match, job negotiation, and job coaching. This model individualizes the employment relationship in ways that meet the needs of both employee and employer.
The process is designed to take approximately 3 to 6 months. Throughout Customized Employment, our highly skilled employment specialists work 1:1 with employment seekers.
InfoPathways was so impressed with Connor that they invited him back for a second internship that started in October. “We wanted to bring him back on to encourage him to continue down the IT path as he’ll be leaving high school next year and looking at college.”
Jimmy has been employed holding down customized positions with Sea Solar Power, Lowes and then Brothers. Through the CE program’s Exploration and Discovery process, Jimmy’s skills with using his hands became apparent and led to those earlier jobs.