Meet the PMs: Michelle Delozier - Penn-Mar

Meet the PMs: Michelle Delozier

Posted on August 27, 2020

We’re excited to be sharing a new series: Meet the PMs! Our Program Managers are the unsung, behind-the-scenes heroes who have one of the toughest – and most important – jobs within our organization. We’re looking forward to you all getting to know them and their work a bit better, so tune in on social media for #MeetThePMs!

Next up, Michelle Delozier!

Why did you become a PM? To make a difference. I know my voice is strong and my advocacy is unwavering.

Why is Penn-Mar’s mission important to you? Our community has long been overlooked as valuable and productive members of our society. I love that we want to change the world so that many can see what we know.

What’s one thing you wish people realized about your job? That it never ends. I don’t mean this is a ‘poor me’ fashion, I mean it goes with you no matter where you are. We care for people, Individuals and Staff alike; you cannot just shut that off.

What’s one thing you wished the general public knew about people with intellectual and developmental disabilities? Their value. I wish more people knew to talk to them, not at them. I wish people knew how, funny, loving and kind they can be. That they have feelings that can be hurt by insensitive questions, such as when we are sitting in a restaurant about to order and the wait staff look at us, interrupting our conversation about what looks good on the menu and asks “What does he want, is she allowed to have that, can they have soda/coffee?”

What’s your favorite food? Greek. No, wait . . . authentic Mexican . . . maybe French, although it could be Pennsylvania Dutch . .  . lets just go with good! 😊

Any hidden talents? I spend several weekends a year as a docent for the Ma and Pa Railroad and wear clothing that represents 1915. I also do woodstove cooking and open firing cooking representing 1700s through 1800s.

In your free time you’ll be found . . . Digging in the dirt, redoing old furniture, reading.

Fun fact: Currently I have a Donkey named Donkey, two goats, Millie and Joseph Abraham (he was born on Abe’s birthday) three deer, Celeste, Onie, and Fanny, two dogs Browndog and Jaynie, several cats and a small flock of chickens.

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