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Virtual Employment Supports: The Sky’s the Limit

Author: pennadm

How do you make the best of a bad situation? One answer is you adapt creatively. In the last ten months, Penn-Mar Westminster’s Customized Employment (CE) team made lemonade out of a sackful of lemons. The sweet success of the team’s Virtual Employment Supports program,...

By Gregory T. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Foundation I have been fortunate to be associated with Penn-Mar for 33 years of its 40 year existence. It is my honor to be able to lead our organization...

As Manager of Volunteer Engagement, Tina Chan Sweenie is tasked with finding corporations looking for meaningful employee service projects or specific program donation opportunities. Hired in January 2020 to formalize the organization’s volunteer effort, she was only two months into the job when the pandemic...

We've compiled a list of some entertaining, yet informative resources surrounding advocacy and those with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Spotlight on the Americans Disability Act Disability Pride: The High Expectations of a New Generation Highlight on the Americans Disability Act, considered the most important civil rights law since the...

By Gregory T. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Foundation In 2021 Penn-Mar will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary. It’s hard to believe I have been with the organization for 32 of those years. But this journey from...

Not unlike Charlie Bucket in Roald Dahl’s classic children’s fantasy novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Penn-Mar resident Mervin Kearse found his “golden ticket” to a job opportunity with Wolfgang Confectioners in York County, Pa. It’s been a sweet job in more ways than one. Although...

By Gregory T. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Foundation Over 140 million Americans cast their vote in the recent historic presidential election. Millions of people are elated about their candidate’s victory while millions more are having a...

Each month, we’ll be highlighting a “behind-the-scenes” team member whose work supports our mission, but whose face you might not often see on our social media pages. We’re excited to help you get to know our innovative team and the complex work we do. Tune in each...

The Penn-Mar HEART Committee is proud to announce our most recent round of HEART Award winners! The Penn-Mar HEART Award program recognizes team members whose passion and performance leave the mark of their own legacy through exceptional demonstrations of Honesty, Excellence, Advocacy, Respect, and Team Work. Read...

By Gregory T. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Foundation It hardly seems possible but that this month we are celebrating the 75th year of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and recognizing 30 years since the Americans...

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