pennadm, Author at Penn-Mar - Page 6 of 20

Guest Columnist: Lauren Pickett | Saving Tyler’s Big World

Author: pennadm

By Gregory T. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Foundation In the midst of all the uncertainties that come with the COVID-19 virus, a faltering economy, and social justice movements, even the experts are often at a loss...

By Kathy Rogers, Chief Advancement Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Executive Director, Penn-Mar Foundation Sometimes people feel that advocating for a cause is futile, but it’s important to know that your voice matters more than you might think. By definition, advocacy is public support for or recommendations of a...

Curtis Brown is grateful to have kept working through the unprecedented Coronavirus recession that has seen the unemployment rate skyrocket across the nation. Typically, that rate is twice as high for people with disabilities, and in 2019, only a little over 19 percent of men...

By Gregory T. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Foundation [caption id="attachment_4264" align="alignleft" width="300"] Jerry, Ben, and Sharon Miller[/caption] On April 20th, in the midst of the pandemic, my cousin Benjamin Miller quietly passed away. He was only 44...

By Gregory T. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Foundation The challenges continue. Trying to adjust to extended sheltering-in-place orders that have upended households and temporarily suspended routines and relationships. Acclimating to home schooling for the kids and home offices...

With the COVID-19 stay-at-home order still in place after more than a month, cabin fever has begun to set in at the Penn-Mar home in Manchester, Md., that Residential Supervisor Emily Finnegan oversees.It’s safe to say that, to varying degrees, being cooped up at home...

Kelly Dorsey has never been one to stop moving. While our world has practically come to a standstill, and almost every facet of our lives upended by the Coronavirus pandemic, Kelly’s commitment and deep compassion for the men and women she supports at Change, Inc.,...

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