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Jay Griffin: Loving his job with sprinkles on top


[caption id="attachment_8849" align="alignleft" width="224"] Jay and Keith serve up some smiles in front of Bonkey's flagship Ice Cream & Snoballs shop in New Freedom, Pennsylvania.[/caption]Jay Griffin loves Bonkey’s Ice Cream & Snoballs, not because of their delicious frozen confections (in which he would surely indulge,...

By Courtenay Dudek, Job Developer, DSP III | Penn-Mar Human Services Content Note: this blog post discusses loss and grief.  In the almost seventeen years I have worked in the human services field, a prominent occurrence has been grief. C. S. Lewis said if we love anything...

By Gregory T. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Foundation [caption id="attachment_1672" align="alignleft" width="300"] Gregory MillerPresident/CEO Penn-Mar Human Services[/caption]I hope all of you have had the time to pick up a book (or Kindle) this summer that you...

Each month, we highlight a “behind-the-scenes” team member whose work supports our mission, but whose face you might not often see on our social media pages.We’re excited to help you get to know our innovative team and the complex work we do.So, tune in for...

By Gregory T. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Human Services | Chief Executive Officer, Penn-Mar Foundation [caption id="attachment_1672" align="alignleft" width="300"] Gregory MillerPresident/CEO Penn-Mar Human Services[/caption] Between the difficulties we faced during the COVID pandemic and the subsequent staffing shortages, we have asked a lot of...

[caption id="attachment_8481" align="alignleft" width="225"] Coty Dougherty prepares to load a tube onto the bailer at Greif York.[/caption] After a hard day’s work, Coty Daugherty likes to come home, kick off his boots and relax. His job at Greif York is physically demanding, but he loves it....

Each month, we highlight a “behind-the-scenes” team member whose work supports our mission, but whose face you might not often see on our social media pages.We’re excited to help you get to know our innovative team and the complex work we do.So, tune in for...

[caption id="attachment_8376" align="alignleft" width="163"] Sheetz General Manager Lisa Reichow with Brian Honeychuck. Photo Credit: Lisa Reichow.[/caption] Something has been brewing at Sheetz besides coffee these past few years. It isn’t anything that can be purchased at the store’s nearly 700 locations in six states. It is,...

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